Interview with Vicky Price, of Best Choice Cleaning Company
Discover how a series of triggers inspired Vicky Price to launch an office cleaning and maintenance company in London and Kent by Talented Ladies Club

What’s your career background?
I’ve had a very colourful career background. My first job was in catering but it wasn’t for me so I left to work for Rentokil as an administrator. I quickly became bored sitting behind a desk all day so I asked if I could become a pest control technician. They agreed and I became their first female technician within the local area. I loved the job as I was able to travel around South London helping people.
I stayed at Rentokil for several years however, being young and needing a change from chasing assorted vermin around buildings, I made the decision to travel around the world. It was a great decision and an excellent education in life.
Whilst overseas I worked in a number of ‘character building’ jobs which included grading wheat in silos in the Australian Outback and spending three months on a prawn trawler in the middle of the ocean.
The prawn trailer job was hands down the most miserable and challenging job that I’ve ever had. Unfortunately as we were living in the middle of the ocean, without any land in sight, there was no escape! Read more